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CRANIOVERTEBRAL JUNCTION The craniovertebral (or craniocervical) junction(CVJ) is a collective term that refers to the occiput (posterior skull base), atlas, axis, and supporting ligaments It is a transition zone b/w a mobile cranium & relatively rigid spinal columnÂ É ù ª c ± ¹ D ª c % ¨ Ó À à K ' 그렇다 2% 그렇다 576% 그렇다£ ª ¸ º , Ñ É º․ @ ª ¸ Ñ É ý a l î Ò ?

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ªÆ ¼ ÀÆ ¯¼ pª ßpÆ ¯ªÀ ;The craniovertebral junction (CVJ) is composed of the occiput, the foramen magnum, and the first two cervical vertebrae, encompassing the medulla oblongata and the upper cervical spinal cord AnomaŽèŽÛ"ÀdaŠÀ esp— 'AquaŠQ'T'Ñlarge,Œ˜iåxhal–humid‹Z ài'q‹™a u—Ptu—PÓŽ`bottŽQataugeai"HƒÅ„P hbeŽŠemiˆË‰øa™?™?™?™?





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Products by Type Constant Velocity Joints (CVJ) Constant Velocity Joints (CVJ) Constant Velocity Joints (CVJ) was first commercialized in Japan by NTN as a joint to transfer drive power from vehicle engines to the tiresAbstract The craniovertebral junction is formed by the occipital bone, atlas, and axis It is a complex structure and consists of osseous, soft tissue, and nervous system In this chapter, we focus on illustrating the lesions involving the craniovertebral junction They include congenital anomalies, fractures of special type, degenerative disorders, infectious/inflammatory diseases, tumor andResults Out of 80 patients with CVJ instability, 64 (80%) were due to non traumatic causes, while 16 (%) were secondary to trauma

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